Wellington Writers Studio

Why we exist.

The Wellington Writers Studio is a unique shared working environment for writers. The studio provides a creative hub for the Wellington writing community and is the first of its kind in New Zealand.

Inspired by the various iterations across Brooklyn and Manhattan, we aim to provide an affordable sanctuary where writers can switch off, escape from the chaos of home and work, and focus on the art of writing – whatever type of writing that may be. 

Studio managers

Emily Makere Broadmore is a Director of Heft Communications, also based in the building, and Editor of Folly Journal. Her businesses enable the existence of the Writers’ Studio. She loves opening spaces up to the wider community for all sorts of strange events, trunk shows and workshops.

Adele Jackson is an illustrator of children’s books, an artist, designer and much more – as well as the Matriarch of the Berry Building. She has been working from her artist studio here for over 14 years, and knows everyone and all the secrets of this creative spot.

If you drop by to check out the studio you will be hosted by either Emily or Adele.